Ceramic Frankenstein ::::::
In 2018 we welcomed back our Erasmus partners Erik Kok and Rudi Bastiaans from The AKI ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Enschede Netherlands.
Over the course of 5 days they worked with UCLan Research staff Tracy Hill, Magda Stawarska and Professor David Binns, supported by technical staff Jane Bennett, Joanna Garret, Rick Healey and Francis Neale to create the cross-disciplinary project ‘Ceramic Frankenstein’

15 students from across UCLan including undergraduate and postgraduate students from Games Design, Illustration, Ceramics, Fine Art and Textiles worked together sharing knowledge and skills in a high energy, creative collaborative environment. The purpose of the project was to offer undergraduate and postgraduate students the opportunity to work together to transfer specialist skills into new areas of practice. Using their own bodies and imaginations as a starting point the groups used photography, drawing and digital imagery to construct, deconstruct and reassemble life size figures, each one a unique Frankenstein of the group.

The resulting installations were a creative collaboration of concept and practical skills developed using the specialist print, photography and ceramics studios at UCLan to explore the full possibilities of combining image, surface and form and celebrating ongoing innovative approaches to research and student learning.

*Images recorded during the week with full documentation of the project available to view here