Working with Lubaina Himid ::::::
In 2021 Lubaina Himid with Magda Stawarska-Beavan produced in the Artlab CPS Old Boat New Weather an edition of 30 prints for the Robson Orr TenTen Award with the Government Art Collection. “This annual print commission is awarded to an outstanding British artist every year with the support of philanthropists Sybil Robson Orr and Matthew Orr who were inspired by an American initiative by the Foundation for Arts and Preservation in Embassies. Introduced to the Government Art Collection by Outset Contemporary Art Fund, the Robson Orrs’ enthusiasm for supporting a UK art commission with global reach, became the TenTen project. This ten-year commitment will create important new additions to the Collection around the world, while annual sales from eleven of the prints sold through Outset will raise funds for the Collection to acquire art by emerging talent in the UK”