The Permanent Print (2014 – 2015) ::::::
The Permanent Print research group was a joint project between Artlab CPS and the Silicate Research Unit based at UCLan, inspired by the research undertaken by Tracy Hill and Dr Alasdair Bremner, on the use of refractory concrete to create large scale ceramic relief prints.
The group explored the various possibilities of how print could be combined with refractory concrete, ceramics and glass. The aim was to understand further how using multi-disciplinary methods could expand the potential of combining image, surface and form.

In 2014 Artlab CPS and The Silicate Research Unit (SRU) held a four-day International Print and Refractory Concrete Symposium.
Hosted by Tracy Hill and Dr Alasdair Bremner this symposium fostered new institutional research connections, and ERASMUS partnership, bringing together print/ceramics team, Erik Kok and Rudi Bastiaans from AKI/ArtEZ Art Institute for the Arts in Enschede, The Netherlands with UCLan students and staff from the fine art printmaking and ceramics courses.

The Second Permanent Print symposium was held at UCLan in 2015 and included more participants and this time offered places to artists and designers outside academic institutions.
All results and documentation from both events are archived on the project website